Why bosses lose touch with reality -- Their subordinates don't tell them the truth
So why do managers lose touch with reality? Perhaps more than any other role in our modern society business managers are expected to do a lot of things well. For example, managers are expected to predict the future, be inspiring leaders, selfless servants, and coordinate tasks they themselves don’t understand These expectations and others power the Reality Distortion Field. One of the things that drives managers away from the truth: subordinates don’t tell them the truth.A writer once stated that the quality of the information flow in an organization is inversely proportional to the person’s position in the organization. This situation is pretty understandable if you think about it. Who wants to tell the boss about their screw-ups? The boss has more positional power over you than anyone since your parents. True, you can quit the company, but changing a job is not a trivial thing—and it might have significant impacts if you have a family, stock options, retirement plans. Since they don’t get much negative feedback from their employees it is no wonder that they develop a distorted view of how things really are.. Their bosses are usually not all that connected to what is going on with their subordinate’s activities—so the quality of that feedback is pretty low too. Without high quality feedback just about everything and everyone will start losing touch with reality.
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