Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Why bosses lose touch with reality--Stonewalling

Subordinates stonewall – and the bosses call their bluff

Many aggressive bosses have had the experience where they have their teams tell them something is impossible—and then their teams manage to do it anyway. Human creativity is a wonderful thing, and it is amazing what people can do when they are told that “they, or their replacement” will solve a specific problem. However, one effect of this rabbit-out-of-a-hat behavior is that managers start distrusting the veracity of their teams. Are their people saying that something is impossible or hard because it really is that way, or because out of laziness, fear, or some other human weakness they don’t want to do it. Good managers challenge their teams, and often succeed in doing things that many doubted. But there are things that are hard or impossible. If the boss challenges the organization to do something truly outside its capabilities then bad things will happen. Winston Churchill would say—stop arguing the matter; let the difficulties argue for themselves. At that point he was making a decision—to move from the theoretical to the actual. However if predicted or unexpected showstopper problem arise, then there is no sensible reason to continue. At what point does challenging a team turn into the ravings of someone that is truly asking the impossible?


At 1:56 PM, Blogger VanceH- said...



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